AFFILIATE MARKETING: Learn simple steps of preventing “FRAUDS.”



Affiliate marketing is one of the marketing which gives you a huge amount in less time, but this is not with everyone you have to work really hard to earn in affiliate marketing.


Many of the newbies are coming into affiliate marketing these days with a desire to earn money but they don’t know that the industry is full of scammers and frauds that you will not be able to judge, like who is right or wrong and you may fall in the trap earning nothing and stick at huge loss.


Do you know the main components of the affiliate marketing, they are none other than advertisers who are the ones on which you spend a lot for your product’s advertising but what if the product’s quality is poor or unsatisfied then there are no chances to stop the profit from going down.


According to the new research, in the affiliate marketing industry, more than 15-20 conversions were fraud out of 100. Why is this happening? Do you know why? It’s happening because they are using fraud activities through which you’ll never be able to identify how they are cheating you.


The main thing which the scammers or cheaters do is they pre-install the fraud activities like Emulators, Limitadtracking, Install Hijacking, DeviceID Reset Fraud and Bots.

These are the type of frauds which are usually done and,  is very risky for the marketers to deal with, In this article we will tell you how to handle frauds  and you can detect it as you will get the full details of the fraud activities through which you will atleast get to know what’s wrong is happening.


AFFILIATE MARKETING: Learn simple steps of preventing “FRAUDS.”


  • Emulators

The whole matter starts with the central servers where the simulation of the devices takes place. Some simulations of the device show as if a real device is playing the role. The target of this fraud is usually on the CPI campaigns.

If you want to detect the fraud then usually emulators pass their names like Sandy Win.

  • Limit ad tracking

This fraud allows the scammer to limit the data of advertising like the fraud methods which the person is using. Their target is also on the CPI campaigns. But you can put a stop by putting a stop to the advertising tracking restrictions. This is the common practice lead by the cheaters by activating their devices as a limit ad tracking.

  • Install Highjacking

This fraud is a mobile fraud which uses mobile malware to hijack. Install hijacking is a broad category that includes the click injection method outlined below, as well as referrer hijacking and clicks hijacking. Both install hijacking and click flooding are real installs from real users where the attribution was compromised or hijacking. In contrast, fraud from bots, device farms and behavioral anomalies, usually represent false installs.

In install injection, malware on devices identify when an install begins, and sends a false click reports during the install process. Like click hijacking, this malware is often hidden in apps that otherwise appear legitimate.

  • Device ID

A type of click, install and engagement fraud where cheaters click on real ads, install the actual apps and engage with the apps, often for quite some time. Using massive install farms, fraudsters reset their DeviceIDs between each install, effectively generating significant numbers of “real” clicks, installs and retention from New DeviceIDs, bypassing real-time anti-fraud protection measures.

The only protection system that can detect fraudulent DeviceID dumping schemes in time and protect against them is the Protect360 with the DeviceRank ™ rating (Appsflyer).

  • Bots

BOT can bring you artificial likes, views and it may even create an activity in your app. Very commonly use fraud for Facebook and Instagram pages.

There are three kinds of Bots, they are:-

1) Simple Bot

2) Clever Bot

3) Botnets

A bot may target all the campaigns, and to check that you should know how and when to rectify it like if the GEO is different of clicks and conversions, overloading or if there is a small period of between clicks and conversion or any unidentifiable activity takes place at night.

These were the few methods which are increasing like anything, so play smarter and be alert as scammers are everywhere to cheat you. I hope with this article you will learn how to rectify the fraud activities taking place.



  1. Thanks for the helpful steps, as a newbie I am facing a lot of difficulties in finding the scams, Now I got some knowledge about the frauds, I am sure I will be aware of this to become successful and suggest this article to newbies, keep doing this quality work, have a good day!


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