Khris Thayer explains what GDPR is for US Affiliate Marketers




GDPR stands for The General Data Protection Regulation which is going to be effective from May 25, 2018, which will signify and will protect the data within the European Union.


As a U.S. based affiliate marketer, you may think that the GDPR doesn’t relate to your business. However, one major change from previous data protection requirements is that companies outside the EU will be monitored and required to comply with the new regulation and GDPR is enforceable outside the EU.


Overall, if you are into affiliate marketing, and you are up to date about the news and surrounding in the market which is happening near you then you might have came across the term GDPR, basically, in short, it sets a series of rules for companies to follow when they are collecting, storing, and/or processing data from individuals in the EU.


If you are a US-based affiliate marketer, many of you might be thinking that why you should care about this GDPR and how and why it will affect, or you have to follow it, then you are wrong because the companies who are outside EU.


The above paragraph signifies that if your company collects any personal data of the business which comes under EU, then the GDPR will be mandatory for you too.


Here are three steps to consider concerning GDPR.


Search and read online about affiliate marketing articles, webinars and other news which are available on GDPR, this how you will get the full knowledge of the GDPR and through which you can tackle your business in the best way possible like how much evaluation and set you to have to implement your business so that you get the perfect boost for your business.

Get Expert Advice

When you’re dealing with legal regulations, it is always advisable to get expert legal advice. If you have a lawyer or law firm here in the U.S., that’s a great place to start. But, you may want to find a company that delivers expertise on GDPR preparation or even speak with a law firm in the EU. Firms in the EU are already heavily focused on GDPR, and many are engaged with multiple global clients preparing for the regulation. Act now because the current high demand for these services can make it difficult to find one that has time enough for even a high-level conversation about your company’s GDPR needs.

Make a Plan for Compliance

If you collect any personal data from individuals in the EU, which includes email addresses, do not ignore GDPR. Make sure you understand the rules around recording consent and the various rights that individuals have regarding their data (like the ‘right of erasure’) and consider how to adhere to the guidelines.

The most significant takeaway is not to assume the GDPR doesn’t apply to you because you’re located in the U.S. Being informed and prepared can put you in an excellent position to succeed in a post GDPR affiliate marketing world.





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