Have You Ever Tried These Three Effective Digital ADS?



Taboola? Reddit? Outbrain? These are the three effective digital ads which you should try definitely, if not yet then give it a shot today.

In today’s world everyone is running Facebook Ads campaigns and Google AdWords, there is no doubt the companies who are running Facebook ads and Google AdWords give perfect results, but they are not good digital ad networks.

There are three effective digital ads that are effective in giving results and makes your company the best digital company if you don’t use them do choose these ads to promote your brand and boost your sales. The Three digital ads are given below which can your company’s future, they are as follows:-

  • Reddit ads

What is Reddit? Reddit is a platform where people meet with common interests to increase their company’s conversion.

The site consists of forums for the people who love everything from pets to sports and even adult products. In Reddit most of the people could find their own target audience on site as Reddit has over 50,000 different communities.

On the other hand, the best part of Reddit is, it’s inexpensive you can your campaign for $5 a day and you can even cancel it anytime you want.

If you want to set up Reddit, it can be done within minutes, and place your ads after choosing the option of your target audience interest and then select the sub- Reddit Forums.

Afterward, you can add your copy and images, set your budget and start the campaign in one go and the if you feel that the ads which you have generated is not giving results according to your requirement stop the campaign immediately and try other options which are mentioned in a post.

  • Stack Alter

When you read an article on big websites, at the end of the article you see the recommended articles, when you click on the related post which is given at the end of the article these kinds of recommended post takes you directly to the third-party site where you can read another post.

What happens is these articles get placed on the native exchange like Taboola and Outbrain. These native advertising exchanges are the platform where sponsored content is placed.

The crux here is native advertising exchange shows the viewer the related article but not an ad, but actually, it’s an ad.

Overall you write an article for your target audience who are interested in reading articles on topics of their interest, you can set the exchange setting which is your preference for your target audiences like location, gender, interest and other points which are to be taken care off while choosing your target audience.

With the help of these tools you can make good sales than a cold sales pitch, it will out your content on good websites like CNN, USA Today, Reuters and other popular sites. In today’s world many people don’t like ads but they do like the content.

Now, if we come to the cost part, In Outbrain you can set your own preferred budget whereas, in Taboola the pricing starts at $10 a day.

  • Subsidize Blog Posts

In addition to the sharing of exchange, you might prefer sharing on the personal blogs as per the content material, like if the content is of business you can pitch to a business magazine blogger, through which you could maximum likes and views on your content.

The cost which comes up for sponsored posts is according to the visits per month, expected amount could be $50 or $5000 as per your requirement.

On the other hand, the best part which you can do is you can also pay the best bloggers to write and post on your behalf as the bloggers are always influential with their audiences, through this your ROI could also increase, and the audience interest will increase day by day as they will find your product genuine and impressive.


So guys go ahead and set up Reddit and Outbrain today and start your first campaign.


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