The Washington Post Ad Tech Platform Target’s Google and Facebook Duopoly


A new ad tech platform has been launched by the Washington Post (TWP) to help publishers counter the loss of online revenue on major Google and Facebook platforms.

The platform, known as Zeus Prime, is a self-service ad-buying interface that is placed as part of TWP’s Arc Publishing platform to other journals, offering them an alternative to Google’s and Facebook’s dominance, which controls about 60% of US internet ad revenue.

“Through Zeus Prime, customers can readily run an ad campaign by establishing a single-click ad format and targeting a trusted publisher marketplace,” said Jarrod Dicker, TWP’s VP for business technology.

Zeus Prime is the latest in TWP’s line of ad tech services since Bezos purchased the daily as a private investment. The US publisher provides publishers with an alternative money-making solution from online ads, freeing them from reliance on bigger tech platforms.

“Building an ecosystem that pulls everything together has always been a rally cry, but often finishes in a stumbling block because performance on platforms on a scale is just easier and cheaper. But this time it’s distinct,” Dicker said.

While the discussion about Facebook, Google and also Amazon’s digital marketing strength continues to rumble, it is evident that publishers are moving on to other income sources.

TWP’s ad-tech suite is a prime illustration of how evolving concepts are being executed by publishers to make the most of the duopoly-dominated digital marketing landscape.


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