An Interview with Kulwant Nagi the Founder of the Blogging Cage


In today’s interview, We have Kulwant Nagi is someone who is very successful in blogging. Kulwant Nagi is one of the best affiliate marketing bloggers, he is the guy behind On Kulwant covers topics related to Digital Marketing starting from tutorials and various other blogging tips for newbies, the site itself says Blogging and SEO tips.

So without wasting any further time let’s start the conversation with Kulwant Nagi.

  • First of all please share something about you and your online portals and blogs and how you get into blogging?

Hello everyone. I am Kulwant Nagi, a 31-year old blogger from India. After completing graduation in 2010, I got my first job as a VLSI verification engineer. I was very much satisfied with the job as this was my dream job. The seed of this job was planted by a very favourite teacher of mine who told me that the salary package in VLSI field was 5-6 times higher than a normal job… and he was right too, my classmates got a starting package of 12 Lakh, where the normal companies were giving only 3-4 lakh per annum packages.

Soon I got my first job, sadly at a package of 1.44 Lakh per annum and soon I got frustrated with the workload.

Later in June 2011, I decided to resign and start something on my own.

Although, 2 weeks later, I was jobless but still I didn’t know what exactly I am going to do in my life.

Later someone introduced blogging to me in July 2011 and I started my first blog in September 2011.

So I started putting a lot of efforts on that blog and it’s now one of the known blogs in India to learn blogging.

At BloggingCage, my main focus is to give actionable tips and help newbies to give right directions to become an awesome blogger.

  •  Please share your best and worst moments with us you had so far in the journey of blogging? And was there a time when you felt to quit the journey of blogging

Yeah, there was a time in 2012, when I shared a status on my Facebook wall, saying – Bye Bye Blogging.

I belong to a small town, Fatehabad in Haryana.

Those days we didn’t have any good internet connection in my city, and I was blogging for 18 months on 2G mobile internet.

So the frustration was obvious.

I was not seeing any results after putting so many efforts, so someone offers me a job in 2012 and I decided to quit blogging. But the funny thing is, I got frustrated from that job once again and I came bake to home after 3 months.

This time I was more focused on blogging rather than anything.

The best moment of my life was when I signed the first ever cheque of my life. It was 365,000 INR which I gave to my father to give to the bank to clear my education loan.

I felt so complete that day because the bank was calling again and again and giving some threats to my father as we got delayed to pay back my education loan.


  •  Kulwant you have been earning a lot through blogging, but for a newbie, it’s quite difficult to earn money online. Please share some tips and tricks so that other bloggers who are reading this interview could learn something productive.


The best ever formula I have understood to become an awesome blogger is – be consistent and stick to just one niche.

Don’t try too many niches under one roof. Become the master of just one niche.

When you finalized that I want to become a fashion blogger, a health blogger, a lifestyle blogger or whatever, your mind starts focusing more on learning for that particular niche.

Start observing what other bloggers are doing in that niche, what type of blog’s design do they have, what type of content are they writing, where are they hanging out and what products are they promoting.

It’s all about learning from your closely related bloggers.


  •  The biggest problem with the newbies is getting traffic on their site. What kind of tips do you want to give to our readers so that they get traffic and mistakes which they have to avoid?

Yeah, this is of the biggest nightmare in a blogger’s life – TRAFFIC.

I receive too many emails, where they started a blog a year back but still struggling for the traffic.

So my answer to this common question is, decide what type of traffic do you want?

  • Social media traffic
  • SEO traffic
  • Paid traffic (Facebook, Pinterest, Reddit, Google)
  • Or an influencer traffic

Once you understand the difference in all these traffic sources and finalize your own traffic source, things would become much easier for you.

In my case, right now we are generating traffic from all the 4 sources mentioned above, but when I started in 2011, my main focus was SEO Traffic.


  •  Do you see any change in the world of blogging if you compare it 3 years back?

Yeah, quite a lot of things has been changed.

Google is more strict now, search results are more focused on voice search.

Where back in 2013-2014, an article having 600-700 words was ranking easily, now the minimum word count goes up to 1500-2000 words.


  •  Please recommend 5 best plugins you would suggest to our bloggers and why?

ThriveLeads or ConvertPro- Every blogger must have one of these plugins to collect email subscribers on their blogs.

ShortCodes Ultimate – An awesome plugin to add buttons, boxes, messages and many amazing things in your articles.

Pretty Link Lite – My favourite plugin to cloak affiliate links and make them nofollow.

SEO by Yoast – Don’t even think about making a blog live without this SEO plugin.

Elementor – This plugin has just changed the way we used to look at the content. Totaly revolutionary, outstanding and an easy to work page builder plugin. I just love this plugin.


  •  Which are your favourite blogs which you review on a daily basis?

I am so much occupied in my daily routine that I am not getting a lot of time to read blogs these days.

But yeah, there are few blogs which would be my favourite ones always.

  1. QuickSprout
  2. MarkManson
  3. ViperChill
  4. IncomeDiary


  • Any favourite Web hosts? If yes, then please share at least three with us?

My favourite web hosts are:

  1. DigitalOcean
  2. SiteGround
  3. A2Hosting


  • Tell me Kulwant, how do you promote your blog BloggingCage? What are the platforms which you use to promote your brand name?

To be very honest, I am not promoting BloggingCage these days. All the traffic coming at Blogging Cage is either from Google organic or some referrals.

But yes, we run some paid campaigns when there is any special promotion of any products. I am using ConvertKit to collect email subscribers on my blog which is one of my primary income source of BloggingCage.

Recently I shared a case study where we generated $9000 in 4 days with email marketing.


  •  Share something about your recent projects and anything else would you like to share with our readers?

Right now are more focused towards running paid campaigns. We are advertising on Google and Facebook for affiliate products and generating sales every day.

I have created a blogging course (Blogging Blueprint 2.0) which I am selling at a very affordable price so that everyone can afford it easily.

Apart from this, I am launching a FREE affiliate marketing course very soon where I am going to cover all the basics to become an affiliate marketer.




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